Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream reviews – does it really work? Read honest reviews from real consumers and decide for yourself before you buy.
Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream review … just what are real users saying about this product?
Formally branded as Revitol, Lucent Skin hair removal cream boasts a formula that's reliable, instantaneous, and effective. It will remove hairs on the legs, back, armpits and spots on the face – practically the entire body. The big advantage being that it's completely painless and safe to use, especially in those “sensitive” areas.
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How Does Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream Work.
Lucent Skin hair removal cream provides an almost instant, convenient and painless alternative to shaving, plucking, epilating, waxing, or expensive laser treatments and electrolysis. It's not just for women but is equally effective on men and is safe to use on any part of the body … even those sensitive areas and in just a single application.
Before you start to use it, as with any similar product, you should first check that the cream causes you no side effects. Whilst an allergy to the cream is very rare it's always best to check by applying to a small test patch on the forearm. This is standard recommendation regardless of which brand of hair removal cream you go for but, in the case of this particular hair removal cream, as the ingredients are all natural, any form of negative reaction is unlikely.
So, you've bought the cream, you've checked all is ok, so let's get on with removing hair!
Application Instructions
1: Wash and clean the area of skin you intend to target and pat dry … warm water alone is fine for this.
2: Apply the cream evenly over the area using a spatula making sure the entire area is covered.
3: Sit back, relax and let the cream get to work for a period of just 20 minutes.
4: Wipe the cream off using a tissue, soft towel or similar and watch those hairs just disappear.
5: Be amazed at how hairless and smooth your skin is!
The hair doesn't just break, it comes away from the follicle bulb so is completely removed – root bulb and all. Sure, it will grow back again over time but using the cream has the effect of thinning each hair and slowing the growth – so it grows back finer and slower with most users reporting that it eventually stops the growth cycle entirely.
The cream is a unique blend of bioactive plant extracts. It's therefore a completely natural formulation that's FDA approved for ingredients, it's medically approved, clinically and dermatology tested, and is 100% safe, effective, and painless to use.
According to its manufacturers, the exact composition that makes up Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream is as follows:
- Calcium Hydroxide.
- Thioglycolic Acid (80%).
- Calcium Thioglycolate.
- Mineral Oil.
- Glycerin.
- Petrolatum.
- Cetyl Alcohol.
- Peg-75 Lanolin.
- Stearyl Alcohol.
- Steareth-20.
- Aloe Vera Extract.
Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream Cost.
Unlike other expensive alternative treatments, Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream is priced affordably. There are various different offers with free product. This means that it can be purchased for as little as $29.98 per tube. It may not be the cheapest but it could be the most cost effective. It's available worldwide and in local currencies too so visit the official website to check out the price and for any current offers:
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Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream Reviews.
Just a selection of some of the real Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream reviews that you can find through your own searches. Some, but not all, are from verified purchasers and users:
Good News – This is safe to use on ALL parts of the body – fear not, apply liberally. Also, hair is smooth and irritation free when growing out, no scratching! Bad News – Don't expect a brazilian. You're going to be left with very short spiky hair. Lessons learned – cut hair as short as possible with scissors first, leave product on for the full 20 minutes as a minimum and don't be shy – you're going to need a lot of this plastered on the entire area. Expect a second application after 24 hours to remove some more stubble. Review by Lucent Skin-reviewer
I have read several reviews that states this product does not work. Well it works for me and I love it. Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream review by Todd Strubinger.
I was sceptical about this product, did my research worked great for me, would recommend it anyone looking a hair removal product. Review by curtis watson.
I use the product for facial hair. The product does remove most hair. Immediately after using the product, the skin feels too smooth, almost like vinyl. Within a day or so, the skin begins to feel more normal. This is not permanent hair removal, though. Within a few days, you can feel the darker, tougher hairs emerging again. Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream review by David Gattone.
The Reviews Keep On Coming!
I bought this product because I was tired of the hair bumps from shaving my genital area, my only other option was to get waxed. After I used this product I was extremely happy with it. I had no irritation on my most sensitive areas and I was as smooth as a baby…I love it!!! Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream review from suzzi.
I know there are several bad reviews on this product but I have used this brand for years on my facial hair. It is the only one that removes the hair and does not irritate my skin. Hair Removal Cream review by Nancy Gentry.
Stick with it and you won't have to shave again. I believe it will get that way based on results so far but be sure not to leave it on for too long. I wish they would have let us know that it would do that! Lucent Skin Hair Removal Cream review by Anthony Chesser “Automobile Enthusias.
This stuff worked great for me for very course body hair. only left it on for five minutes. minor irritation, nothing compared to waxing. Review by Sideffex.
With reviews like these we suggest that you should at least consider this hair removal cream.
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Does It Work?
There are many alternatives on the market today but, in our opinion, this is one of the best. We particularly like the fact that it's a completely natural product – no harsh chemicals to worry about.The pictures on the official site for show instant results that were supposedly brought about by the product. The steps to follow in applying the cream and removing body hair seem to be quite easy to execute. Plus, the official website thoroughly explains how using the hair cream works as it gets absorbed into the follicles.
Some Lucent Skin reviews posted by real users report that it not only helped remove the user's body hairs, but their skin was moisturized as well. The only caution that must be adhered to is to make sure that the cream does not stay on the skin for more than 15 minutes. This is especially true when applying the product to the face, scalp, neck and underarms.
We'll leave the final word to a Lea … a real user who posted the following review on Amazon:
The Best: I love this product. It works great. This is my second bottle. I would recommend this product to anyone. I have tried others and none work like Lucent Skin. Lea – June 21.
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