Your contact is highly valued, encouraged and appreciated. As such you can make contact with Lucent Skin Reviews by email to
You are also able to participate in the website by adding a comment or question using the comment form you will find at the bottom of all review pages of this site. Comments are personally moderated to ensure this website is kept friendly and free from spam but all relevant comments will either be responded to or published.
Lucent Skin also encourage contact direct by either phone or email, wherever you are in the world, 24/7
Contact details are as follows:
US and International Customer Service + 1 (818) 303-9260
Office Hours: Mon. Thru Fri. 6:30am – 5:00pm PST (-8 GMT)
United Kingdom Customer Service (020) 3006 2872
UK Local Time: Mon. Thru Fri. 2:30pm – 1:00am
Australia Customer Service : 1-800-058-524
Sydney Local Time: Mon. Thru Fri. 1:30am – 12:00pm
Brasil – Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente: (21) 3956-0567
Horario de Funcionamento: Seg a Sex 11:30 – 20:00 horario sudeste.
Deutscher Kundenservice: +49 3222 1090680
Montag bis Freitag: 6:30 bis 17:00 PST
Alternatively you can contact them online via their website.
If you need to contact me personally then free to send me an email using the form or address below.
Cheers 🙂
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